This post finishes up the trio of open access posts here on my blog. We began with my own naiive view as a scientist in training, before moving onto my mum's position as an employee of a large publishing company. Here we finish up with a post by my scientist-science communication guru grandfather, Jack Meadows, as a response to both our views. I hope you enjoy the "stop the worrying and excuses and get on with it" position he takes. You can read more about his opinions on open access
here, where he was interviewed by Richard Poynder.
Remember how this Open Access
thing started. It mainly stemmed from a gripe by research-based institutions in
the latter part of the last century. They asked - putting it crudely - why they
should supply information for free to publishers, only to be charged heavily to
have it back again. Things came to a head then for a number of reasons. For example,
in the days of hot-metal printing, publishers had to supervise the transition
from the input MS to the printed page. By the 1990s, authors were expected to
prepare their own MSS in print-ready form: neatly transferring part of the
effort from the publisher to the institution. More importantly, publishers had
started to assume that they owned the copyright in published papers. (Earlier
in the last century, it was generally accepted that authors retained the
copyright.) Irritatingly, this claim was only made for university-based
authors: publishers accepted that governments could claim the copyright in any
material published by their own researchers. At the same time, the Internet was
making it possible for unlimited direct contact between authors and readers.
So, it was asked - why should not research papers be transmitted directly from
author to reader without going via a publisher? Such thoughts soon led on to
the exploration of Open Access publishing.
Publishers, of course, had an
answer to these various institutional complaints. Their function, they said,
was to provide ‘added value‘. They took in the literary creations of
researchers, polished them into an acceptable form for reading, and then
circulated them to potential users. Above all, they provided the quality
control mechanism which ensured that only acceptable research was published.
The control mechanism usually runs as follows. Papers are submitted by authors
to editors, who may well be fellow-academics, who, in turn, farm them out to
(mainly academic) referees. Most of the academics, however, provide their input
either cheaply, or free of charge. From an institutional viewpoint, therefore,
the publishers’ arguments actually bolstered the institutions own case: the
quality control mechanism is parasitic since the institutions pay the people
involved. (To be fair, publishers have a case for arguing that the relationship
is actually symbiotic.) However, everybody - authors publishers, institutions,
readers - all assert that peer review is essential when publishing research.
Any new method of publishing must take account of this. So it is worth looking
at the activity a little more closely.
Quality control has become
the shibboleth of research publication. Publish in an unrefereed journal and
you join the ranks of the damned (or at least the ignored). Yet the hardline
form such control tends to take currently is relatively recent. Thus, back in
the dark ages when I started research, a number of high-prestige journals had
no external referees: all the reviewing was done by the editor(s). (Indeed, one
journal that had used external referees ceased to do so for a time because they
rejected a couple of ground-breaking papers that the editors would have
accepted.) The point is that you don’t usually need to be an expert in each
small area of research in order to decide whether a paper is publishable or
not. Separating the wheat from the chaff is not all that difficult. What the
expert can do is to suggest improvements to the paper. If the worry is about publishing
poor research, then cursory editing can do that quite well, and is a good deal
more cost-effective.
In some disciplines,
acceptable research is sufficiently well defined that assessments of the
accept/reject sort are a minor problem. The obvious Open Access example is
arXiv. (May I note, in passing, that not all the contributions to arXiv
subsequently appear in journals and, in any case, many of the citations by
other authors are to the online version. Anecdotally, from discussions I have
had, I would suspect that arXiv could continue to exist without a journal-based
back-up.) It has been said that there are two types of science - physics and
stamp-collecting. It is true that the arXiv approach might not work so well for
the latter as for the former. But its success within its field does suggest
that greater flexibility in achieving quality control is both desirable and
Then there is the problem of
bad research on the Internet. I don’t actually see this as an important
question for research journals. Most
online ‘bad research’ lies outside the normal system of academic communication.
It is, unfortunately, often more readable than any research paper. Hence,
members of the general public are attracted to it. I doubt whether either tightening
or relaxing quality control in academic publishing would have much effect on
public interest. Gresham’s law applied to this situation suggests not.
So, to return to the original
question, can Open Access provide all the added value, and especially the
quality control, that traditional publishers claim to provide? The immediate
answer is obviously that it can, since a variety of Open Access journals are
already available. But like any other journals they have to be funded - by
subscription, or by tapping the authors, or in some other way. From this
viewpoint, the whole thing simply boils down to which is the more
cost-efficient method of publishing - the existing system or a new Open Access
system. But, of course, this over-simplifies. Researchers by and large are not
interested in the routine of organising research communication. In addition,
most researchers don’t like rapid change in the system - they have too much
intellectual capital tied up in their publications. I fancy, in consequence,
that, for the foreseeable future, publishers will continue to be involved as
intermediaries. However, their financial pickings will decrease. A word of
encouragement to anyone currently in their fifties, and involved in commercial
journal publishing. Take as your motto some words from Dr. Johnson: ‘These
things will last our time, and we may leave posterity to shift for themselves‘..
Actually, I find all this a
little disappointing. Journals - that is bundles of research papers - were
devised as an efficient way of distributing research using print. With
computer-based handling, the individual paper is a more sensible unit to use.
Maybe the question we should be concentrating on, therefore, is - when can we
do away with journals altogether?. Incidentally, all our discussion has been
about science. I reckon the more interesting questions now are about the
humanities. What about open access to scholarly monographs, for example?